Learn more about a topic with one of our guides.
CNIB: Know Your Rights
In partnership with the CNIB Foundation, the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia proudly offers Know Your Rights, a series of plain-language legal information resources to empower people with visual impairments.
Included in the resources is information for service providers, explaining their legal obligations as service providers.
Thanks to the Schulich School of Law Pro Bono Students, Peter Duke, and Dr. Wayne Mackay for their contributions.
Built Environment
Accessing Government and Customer Services
Human Rights
Conversion Therapy*: Surviors Speak
This guide is intended to help you understand what conversion therapy* is and is not, what its impacts are on the health and wellbeing of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and what these new laws mean for people across our country.
In writing this guide, we have relied on this wisdom, expertise, and generously shared life experiences and stories of the many members of our Nova Scotian 2SLGBTQIA+ community with whom we have consulted. Due to the sensitive and often traumatic nature of conversion therapy*, many of these individuals have chosen to stay anonymous, though some have allowed us to share their stories as part of this publication.
Democracy: We Have Power
We Have Power was created in partnership between the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers and the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia.
We created this resource to help members of the public understand our democratic processes and be empowered to engage in local politics. We all play an important role in advocating for a Nova Scotia that serves everyone’s needs.
We all have the power to shape our shared future. As you read through this guide, you’ll read some tips and strategies for engaging with local politicians and ensuring they understand what is important to you and your community.
Guide for Girls
The fourth edition of Guide for Girls was developed by the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia, and published by the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women. This guide celebrates the journey that all Nova Scotia girls and youth take while growing up. This is a guide to growing up, a resource to ensure that you feel supported in every step of your journey.
Guide for Nonprofit Organizations in Nova Scotia
Navigating the legal landscape of non-profits can be complicated and overwhelming. We hope this Guide will reduce the mystery and confusion around non-profit law and help individuals better understand the legal requirements that apply to their situation.
This Guide focuses on Nova Scotia non-profits, but also touches on federal non-profits and the process of incorporating under federal law.
Guide to Making Your Will
Nova Scotians can now make a basic Will from home using our free Wills App. For more information, check out the Guide to Making Your Will.
Investor Rights and Protection
Our Investor Rights and Protection Guide helps you manage the risks and pitfalls of investing. You have the power to be a successful investor. Once you know the basics of investing, you can choose how to invest your money. You can decide how much help you need from professionals and how much you are willing to do yourself. Whatever investing path you choose, the more you know, the more successful you will be.
Moving Beyond the Binary
Welcome to Moving Beyond the Binary: a Guide on How to Make Your Organization Meaningfully Inclusive of Two-Spirit, Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Diverse People.
This guide is intended for any employer, service provider, business, or other organization in Nova Scotia. The purpose of the guide is to help you understand the needs and experiences of gender diverse populations, what the law says about gender identity and expression, and the importance and value of fostering meaningful and authentic inclusion of two-spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse people across our province.
Representing Yourself
Representing Yourself
When faced with conflict you have choices. Representing yourself does not mean doing it alone. We have created a selection of short videos to help you with starting a claim and preparing a defense, knowing what evidence to gather and present, tips for being as prepared as possible, and what to do after you receive a judgement. Using the Small Claims Court App, and watching these videos, you will be well prepared to navigate the small claims court process.
Other Resources:
The Small Claims Court App.
Small claims court interactive online forms.
Go here to watch longer videos that further explain the Self-Advocacy Guide
A litigation lawyer provides helpful hints for people representing themselves at court through this
Self Advocacy Guide - Edition 1
(1.09 MB)
Rainbow Rights
Rainbow Rights Guide
We created this guide to empower members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Nova Scotia (Mi’kma’ki) to understand their human rights and what options and resources are available to them if they face discrimination.
As queer people, it can be challenging to navigate our systems, our society, our laws, our schools, and our workplaces as our authentic selves. Our hope in writing this guide is to equip members of our community with a solid understanding of:
- Human rights protections, including provincial and federal human rights legislation
- Tips for navigating difficult conversations such as coming out at work, and
- How to self-advocate for inclusive spaces and practices
Learn more about the rainbow rights that exist in our province.
Seniors: It's In Your Hands
Our It's In Your Hands guide is a key resource for seniors in Nova Scotia. The guide aims to:
help people plan for the future, with a focus on preventing legal problems and
increase knowledge and understanding of legal and financial issues affecting older adults.
Topics covered include wills, funeral pre-planning, powers of attorney, and more.
Youth: It's Your Right
Our It's Your Right guide aims to help Nova Scotians between the ages of 16 and 25 understand their rights and responsibilities under the law.
Topics covered include moving out, getting a job, cyberbullying, and more.