If you cannot find the answer to your question on our website, you can contact us by phone, email, or live chat.
Our legally trained counsellors provide free, practical information about the law in Nova Scotia, Canada. We will try to answer your questions or suggest other ways to get help with your legal problem.
How to submit a legal question
Ask a legal question by telephone
Call our confidential and anonymous Legal Information Line at:
- 902-455-3135 (Halifax Region)
- 1 800 665-9779 (toll-free in North America).
- Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Closed on weekends and holidays.
No call-back option: We are sorry but we cannot accept messages for return phone calls. Calls are answered as they come into the Legal Information Line. We have a small team, so there is just one Legal Information Counsellor available to answer calls at any given time. If you are calling when the service is open and hear the voicemail message, it means the Legal Information Line Counsellor is helping someone else right now, so please call back later or consider getting in touch by email or live chat.
Ask a legal question by email
Please use this form to send us your legal information question by email.
Our response usually takes 2-5 business days. Our service is in extremely high demand, and we cannot accommodate urgent or time-sensitive requests.
Depending on your issue and how complex it is, you may need to call us at 1 800 665-9779 or 902-455-3135. We'll let you know if so.
Although our email service is confidential, we cannot guarantee the security of information sent to us by email, as any email is vulnerable to being intercepted. So, do not send sensitive personal information by email.
Do not send us any attachments - we will not open them.
Ask a legal question by live chat
Live chat is available on our website at various times Monday to Friday, based on staff availability. Just click the 'Chat with us!' button to get started. Chat is closed on weekends and holidays.
Ask a legal question on the Youth Text Line
Our legally trained counsellors provide free, practical information about the law in Nova Scotia, Canada. We will try to answer your questions and suggest where to start to get help with your legal problem.
Visit the youth section of our website for legal information for youth and answers to frequently asked questions from the Youth Text Line.
Information juridique en français
Vous pouvez envoyez un courriel à [email protected].
Nous faisons notre mieux de répondre aux courriels à l’intérieur de cinq journées ouvrables. Il est possible que vous ayez besoin de nous téléphoner au 1-800-665-9779 ou 902-455-3135 selon la complexité de votre situation. Nous vous l’indiquerons dans notre réponse si nous vous recommandons de nous contacter par téléphone.
Nous n’offrons pas d’avis juridique. Nous offrons uniquement de l’information juridique. Nous l’indiquerons dans le courriel si nous recommandons que vous obteniez un avis juridique.
Pour obtenir de l’information en français en ligne, consultez le site web CliquezJustice.ca. CliquezJustice.ca est un portail canadien d’information juridique simplifiée qui aide à comprendre ses droits et obligations pour mieux gérer les situations juridiques du quotidien.
Tell us what you think!
How did we do? We want to hear from you!
I got legal information by telephone: Take the Legal Information Line feedback survey.
I got legal information by email: Take the email feedback survey.
I got legal information on the Youth Text Line: Take the Youth Text Line feedback survey.
I got legal information on the website: Take the Website feedback survey.
All other inquiries
Administration, Donations, Mailing address
If you have questions about:
- Joining our Lawyer Referral Service or joining our Mediator Referral Service or changing your membership info (for Nova Scotia lawyers & mediators)
- Charitable donations to LISNS, sponsorships, or fund development generally
- LISNS in general (but not legal information questions), including helpful feedback about our services
Please contact us by mail, telephone or email, as listed below:
Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia
PO Box 3103
Tantallon PO
Tantallon, Nova Scotia
Canada B3Z 4G9
Tel: 902-454-2198 - administration only (no legal questions are answered at this number)
Email: [email protected] - administration only (no legal questions are answered through this email)
Please note that we cannot give legal information on the administration phone line or administration email.
Please call 1 800 665-9779 or 902-455-3135 if you need legal information, or send your legal information question to [email protected], or connect with us by live chat on our website.
Media and LISNS In the News
For all Media inquiries please contact [email protected].
See our Media page for updates on LISNS In the News.