At Legal Info Nova Scotia, we believe Nova Scotians have a right and a responsibility to learn about the laws that affect them. To do that, they must have access to information that makes laws understandable. Below is a brief description of the services we offer to help ensure Nova Scotians have access to legal information and resources.
Ask us a legal question
We answer questions about the law for free on our Legal Info Line, email, and live chat service. We cannot give you legal advice, but we can provide relevant legal information and tell you where to get help with legal problems. There is no charge for this service.
As part of our ongoing mission to provide Nova Scotians with access to legal information, we take on various projects that involve public legal education. These projects often involve providing information about specific legal issues or recent changes to the law that are likely to affect large numbers of people. Our projects often involve workshops, training sessions, and digital products like apps and guided pathways.
Lawyer Referral
If you are planning to hire a lawyer, but aren’t sure where to start, we may be able to help. Contact the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia for legal information and to see if we may be able to refer you to a lawyer in private practice who is a member of the Legal Information Society's Lawyer Referral Service. Members of the Lawyer Referral Service offer an initial consultation of up to 30 minutes for no more than $20 plus tax. During that time, the lawyer reviews your legal problem and discusses your options and the costs involved. Or, go here for other ways to find a lawyer.
Volunteer Speaker List
Clubs, religious or spiritual groups, teachers, community groups and special interest groups can get connected with a speaker willing to volunteer their time to speak on a specific area of law. Our Volunteer Speaker List includes lawyers, judges and other professionals. To obtain the name of a volunteer speaker in your area, call us at 902-454-2198 or fill out our Volunteer Speaker request form.
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