While appearing in Court can be daunting, here are the top three tips to make the process easier.  

Self Advocacy 101 - Top Tips

Self Advocacy 101 - Secrets Revealed - Part 1

Self Advocacy 101 - Secrets Revealed - Part 2

TIP 1: Be Informed

  • By learning about the process involved in appearing in court you will gain the needed peace of mind and confidence to navigate through the Court process.  A good starting point to learn about the courts is the Nova Scotia Courts website.

Tip 2: Be Prepared

  • Being prepared by knowing the facts of your case better than anyone else will help you effectively communicate your story to the Court. The  Self Advocacy Guide will take you through all the necessary steps from framing your issue, drafting your claim, introducing evidence, questioning your witnesses to making submissions.

Tip 3: Be Courteous

  • Being courteous to the staff, judge, opposing party and lawyer will ensure a smooth presentation and avoid needless confusion.  


This site offers a number of helpful guides and resources to assist you.  Click on the Going to Court link to help you navigate the Courts and communicate your issue in a persuasive manner.

If your issue is related to family law, see the Nova Scotia Family Law  for more information. For general tips on representing yourself see the National Self-Represented Litigants Project.

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After Court