The Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia (LISNS) is partnering with community organizations that provide support to clients who are dealing with family law issues and are self-represented and in need of help. LISNS has developed training materials for volunteers and service providers to provide assistance through family law legal information, forms and support.
Two different training sessions were held with Staff/volunteers of community organizations serving the South Shore who work with families involved with Family Law issues. Feedback from attendees was very positive and we are pleased to share information from those sessions with community organizations across the Province. We currently do not have funds to deliver this training in-person across the Province but we hope the videos and Powerpoints will be helpful.
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Specifically, the training includes:
- Presentation on the top 20 family legal questions;
- Overview of LISNS Navigator Training including the free Wills App, Power of Attorney App and Small Claims Court App
We have further training which will be available shortly from our website:
- Presentation on family law for uncontested divorces that can be delivered by staff or volunteers to group information sessions;
- Presentation on form filling assistance starting with uncontested divorces with the goal of staff or volunteers being able to offer form filling clinics following the presentation; and
We welcome feedback on the materials and appreciate the following short survey being completed so we can learn how to serve you better. Could you please complete this very brief survey which will help us provide feedback to funders on the value of this kind of training and hopefully make it possible to offer more sessions of this nature.
Support our Innovative
Our program is the first of its kind in Canada and winner of the CBA-NS 2016 Law Day Award!
Your donation helps provide trained volunteers to assist community members understand and navigate the Legal system.
All donations of $10 or more are eligible for a tax deductible receipt.