This page discusses your rights if you get a payday loan in Nova Scotia. It gives legal information only, not legal advice.  Payday loans are short-term, high-risk, and high-interest loans. There are other, far less expensive ways to borrow money, so consider your options carefully before borrowing from a payday lender.

You may wish to speak with a credit counsellor about other, lower-cost ways to borrow money, such as a loan from a line of credit or a cash advance on your credit card

Consumer Protection Alert: Protect yourself from unlicensed payday lenders! Before you borrow, contact Service Nova Scotia at 1 800-670-4357 or 902-424-5200, or check the Nova Scotia government's online list of licensed payday lenders to determine whether a particular payday lender is licensed to operate in Nova Scotia. 

Do not borrow from a payday lender who is not licensed to do business in Nova Scotia.  Be extra careful about online payday lenders.  Many aren't licensed, aren't located in Canada, and don't follow provincial rules that aim to protect borrowers.  

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada also has easy-to-understand information about payday loans, finding a reputable credit counsellor, and a Financial Toolkit to help you manage your finances.

Last reviewed  December 2023